woman in white t shirt and blue denim jeans sitting on brown sofa

Why Belly Fat Forms; How To Lose It Best

People often wonder why belly fat forms and how to get rid of it. Being overweight is common in this day and age. Due to the sedentary lifestyle that many people have, coupled with overeating and stress, several people gain weight. The first thing that you need to do is to know why belly fat forms and what you can do about it.

Belly fat, also known as visceral fat, is one of the most dangerous types of fat. It is present around the internal organs in the abdominal cavity. Consequently, it is highly associated with cardiovascular disease and other serious health conditions. Thus, it is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes, heart attack and stroke.

Belly fat is one of those hard to lose body fat that most people are trying to get rid of. Some people look for a quick way to lose it while some do tons of exercises and other metabolic treatments to be able to reduce it. The truth is that there is no quick way to lose abdominal fat since this particular body fat is the hardest to burn. There is also no miracle supplement out there that will help you eliminate the belly fats right away. In order to know how to lose belly fat, here are some of the things that you need to be aware of:

Certainly, you need to know why belly fat exists in your body. It is because excess food in your diet leads your body to store some extra calories as fats. More so, some people have fat distribution in a specific area of their body. For instance, people who are usually overweight tend to carry weight on their lower part of the body.

Fat is an energy reserve for humans. And is needed for proper hormone production, energy, and also to provide support to some areas of our bodies. Fat cells also serve as insulation and protection for vital organs in the body like the heart and kidneys. However, too much of it can lead to becoming overweight. Although some people are naturally prone to accumulating fat in their bellies, there are ways to lose belly fat by exercising and eating right.

Why is belly fat hard to lose compared to other body fat deposits? Although there is not a definite answer, there are some theories that help us understand. One factor is that belly fat cells are larger and more active than body fat cells from other parts of the body. Belly fat cells are known as viscerally derived adipocytes (VDA), meaning they come from deep within the abdomen. This visceral fat comes from an organ called the omentum which hangs behind the stomach. Visceral fat is different from subcutaneous fat which is found between the skin and muscles underneath the skin around our abdominal area. VDA’s produce hormones and proteins that affect how the body processes nutrients.

Visceral fat or deep belly fat is more dangerous than subcutaneous fat. If you’re over weight it’s best to lose subcutaneous fat first before going to attack the visceral fat. This way, you can prevent any health problems from happening to you. Visceral fat is the dangerous fat that can increase the risk of developing insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes, and leads to high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Abdominal fat is also associated with an increased risk of heart disease. In addition to all these, it causes metabolic syndrome.

Simply put, it is deep around your internal organs and is more harmful than subcutaneous fat. Due to the location of this fat, it’s more difficult to ‘spot reduce’ this area. Belly fat is the most annoying fat that people want to get rid of. Abdominal fat gives an unhealthy look to the body and makes one look older. There are many reasons that abdominal fat is more prominent in some people than others. Some reasons include:
-Breathing problems
-Too much stress
-Improper diet
-Poor lifestyle
That said, there are some exercises that can help in losing abdominal fat without having to worry about the other factors mentioned above.

It is important to realize that our body does not like storing fat anywhere. Therefore, in order for our body to store fat it needs some kind of a trigger. In case of abdominal fat the hormone called insulin is responsible. The pancreas secretes insulin when we eat carbohydrates. The more intake of carbohydrates, the more insulin production which becomes high, resulting to more produced fat. This is one of the reasons why the belly fat will not disappear no matter how hard you try to lose it. Therefore, to lose belly fat, start with reducing insulin production. Taking advice from your doctor on how much insulin production should be decreased and what kind of food choices should be made is vital in order to accomplish that goal.

Hence, a belly fat diet is something that is necessary in order to lose it. Diet and exercise are the two main components that help one lose belly fat. Diet comprises of the food that one takes and this is where belly fat diet differs from person to person. Exercise also plays an important role in belly fat lose. Exercise works on one’s body and helps shed off belly fat. There are certain types of exercises to do in order to help reduce the amount of belly fat in one’s body. One type of exercise that is very beneficial in losing weight includes cardio exercises such as jogging and biking. These exercises work on one’s cardiovascular system and help in shedding off belly fat.

Given these points, the abdomen, often referred to as the ‘belly,’ is one of the most difficult areas to target when it comes to losing fat. Also known as visceral fat, belly fat is located deep in the abdominal cavity and surrounds vital organs such as the stomach, liver and intestines. This makes it difficult to target, and dangerous to remove. Diet and exercise are the two main components that help one lose belly fat.


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